Monday, January 18, 2016

Winter Wonderland

After a long winter break my kiddos were eager to jump back into learning. They have had so much fun exploring the season of winter. They have also had a blast with our winter wonderland unit!
We love building CVC word with snowmen.
Breaking out the magnifying glasses for a super fun way to read our sight words.
A little sensory tub initial sound sort:)
Sight word puzzles are always a class favorite. These 2 boys gave each other a high five every time they found a match hahaha!
This activity is from my 100 follower Freebie Let is Snow! It  has several winter themed centers.
My kids love touchtronics!! I ordered 2 sets through Ebay of the letters. The apps are free and cover several skills. It is super easy to differentiate because the games range from initial sound practice to building CVC words.This center is always a hit!
A Target dollar spot favorite! Lego sight words. I bought several bags of these and can't wait to find new ways to use them!
I am always amazed at the progress in writing with my kinders during the second semester. We have been working on labeling for a while. We labeled snowmen on Friday and my kinders ROCKED it!!

We are working hard on subtraction in kindergarten. These subtraction centers were a great review and practice:)

Target dollar spot to the rescue again! I love these snowman erasers! They were perfect for these snowmen tens frames!
Count the room is always a kid favorite at center time. We are working on place value with numbers 1 through 20.
Are you a 3D shape expert? (Harry Kindergarten these are the 3D shapes that I know song:)?
This activity is a 3Dshape find and color.
Who doesn't love measuring with tiny snowflakes?!?! My kids are measuring ROCK stars!

Thank you so much for stopping by to read about our winter fun!
If you would like to check this unit out click on the image below to head over to TPT and check it out:)

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year's Resolutions

I am SOOOOO EXCITED to be linking up with my favorite blogging duo My Day in K and Teach Talk Inspire!
2015 was a great year I met and made many new friends on this blogging journey, saw my little TPT store begin to grow and have made some changing in my classroom:) 

I teach with some fabulous people and through this blogging have found even more people who encourage and inspire me to be a better teacher! I am thankful for my tribe!
I am looking forward to 2016!!!!
1. I really need to get back into an exercise routine! I was doing really well for a while and now not so much so the scale is not my friend right now ha!
2. Since school has started back I am having a hard time getting into a blogging routine. I thought I could blog like I did this summer but it just isn't happening! So I am going to sit down and make a blogging schedule so I can blog at least every two weeks and if it happens more AWESOME!!
3. I know I am not alone in the struggle to balance school and home and friends! I am purposing to turn school off at least once a week....I know I need to do it more than that ha! I am going to spend more time with family and friends. Quick dinners, movie dates, manis and pedis are in my future!!

I hope you all have a FABULOUS New Year and that 2016 brings you much love, joy and success!!
Head over to My Day in K and Teach Talk Inspire to  linkup and share your New Year Resolutions!